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Say Hello to 2GoBowl

2GoCup answers take-away food places prayers by announcing a NEW product!

We are so excited to finally announce that 2GoCup is launching a new food-container Deposit & Return product, the 2GoBowl!

The people asked so we listened. We have spent a lot of time in the background developing the perfect deposit and return bowl, ideal for busy or relaxed big and small businesses to use.

Key features of the 2GoBowl:
🥣Standard-size 1000ml, with several internal markers for accurate serving sizes.
🥣A lifespan of over 1000 uses.
🥣Made from the same material as the 2GoCup -food-grade polypropylene (so it can be recycled at the end of life & is dishwasher safe).

The 2GoBowl will work via a €3 Deposit & Return scheme to cater for all price ranges in the food industry. The system is the same as always. Just Deposit €3, Enjoy & Return for your deposit back! Keeping the system circular with reuse and the avoidance of single-use packaging.♻️

We have been eager to work on this for quite some time, and we finally feel the moment is right. 2GoBowls is expected to roll out at the beginning of May 2023. Contact us through DM or if you want to join the #depositandreturn revolution!


Unit 20, The Village Mill Enterprise

Ballybeg, Wicklow


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